lavender fields for essential oils

Lost Cellulite With Petrochemical Protocols

Author: Jess D.
Skill: Colon Hygienist
Date: 05-25-2005
Views: 65,535
Word Count: 982
Questions Received: Not available for contact
Testimonial ID: 705-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 8

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

While I was in Dallas in January of 2003 to listen to Gary Young speak, I took notes of his recipe for weight loss. He said that saturation was the key to weight loss. He described how the body stores environmental toxins in our fat cells to save them from being deposited in our organs and wreaking havoc.

This continues a vicious cycle where we grow larger fat cells which can store more toxins. Essential oils work with your body in activating enzymes that help the body break down fat.

I recognized most of the oils in his recipe were in the blend named Citrus Fresh. I bought Citrus Fresh, Grapefruit, Ledum, and some capsules. The Citrus Fresh with Ledum breaks up the fat, and the Grapefruit by capsule digests the fat. Grapefruit essential oil is an excellent diuretic and lymphatic stimulant.

This is what I did according to memory. (I am retelling this story a year and a half later.) I lost almost three inches in six weeks. (That's all I had left to lose.) This happened in March/April of 2003.

Please keep in mind that cellulite is literally toxins being stored in the fat cells. My experience may happen more quickly for me than for some of you because I have been using natural medicines, clean water, and natural personal care products for years. My body has not accumulated the type and amount of toxins that most people have. Please be patient if you have more to lose than I did or if it takes you longer because of the type of toxins you are carrying.

Other people have tried to lose inches with Citrus Fresh and Grapefruit without adding the Ledum; or they tried these oils but diluted them; or they tried using the oils sparingly. Saturation is the key. Follow this recipe exactly... or it won't work for you.

The first night I put 10 drops of Ledum into the bottle of Citrus Fresh. I swallowed two capsules, 10 drops each, of Grapefruit. I dotted the bottle of Citrus Fresh about every inch apart across my hips and rounded belly. I wrapped myself in cellophane and went to bed. About two hours later I needed to urinate.

About two hours after that, I was awakened with the feeling that something had broken loose. I continued to feel this throughout the night for about four more times. I had to urinate about every two hours but returned to sleep quickly after each trip to the bathroom. (Try Citrus Fresh over the liver for a great night's happy sleep).

The cellophane was Gary Young's recommendation to keep the oils from evaporating and therefore working longer. It made me sweaty, so I didn't wear it any more after the first night.

For the next two weeks, I continued to generously dot the bottle of Citrus Fresh to my hips and belly and take the two capsules of Grapefruit. I noticed that my left hip was larger than the other because I couldn't reach that side with my right hand. So I stopped putting the Citrus Fresh on the right side until I got the left side evened out.

After two weeks, I went to one capsule of Grapefruit a night because I wanted the bottle to last me until the next month when I would order some more. After about the sixth week, I took one capsule every three days for maintenance, and I dotted the Citrus Fresh on about once every week. I became pregnant after that and discontinued both of these oils.

I lost almost three inches in six weeks. My skin firmed up nice and tight. My jaw line firmed up where I put the Citrus Fresh. The Grapefruit balanced out my hormones, and I began to have a regular menstrual cycle without pain or discomfort. I kept my complexion clean with Lemon oil.

I only use Young Living brand essential oils because of their unadulterated purity. Young Living goes through long rigorous processes to guarantee that every bottle exceeds FDA standards and that the essence of every plant is still intact. DON'T internally take oils from another company. My testimony is based on my experience with Young Living oils and their documented science. I don't trust anyone else.

Nine months after I had my sixth child, I tried this regimen again. However, the oils sent hormone messages which began my periods again. I had to wait till three months after breastfeeding ended before I could successfully try this again. Except this time I used Cel-Lite Magic.

I cannot attribute my weight loss to JUST Cel-Lite Magic because I began using Power Meal for breakfast, and began applying parts of Chronobiotic Nutrition (protein before 3 and carbs after 3 with no snacking after dinner. I do attribute ALL of my skin-firming and disappearance of spider veins to Cel-Lite Magic.

I need to continue to take Grapefruit by capsule if I still want pain-free and timely periods like I did during the first weight loss. See my PMS testimony about that. I take one capsule a week. My 14-year-old daughter dots Grapefruit on her abdomen when period-related cramps start. She applies it once the first two days of her period with relief within the first five minutes.

For more about petrochemicals being stored in our fat cells listen to the very end of training tape #40 titled "Find Healthy Life in a World of Toxins".

For more about what foods to eat during which times of the day listen to training tape #32 titled "Enzymes-A Golden Key of Life".

For more about petrochemicals, xenoestrogens, and synthetic hormones causing weight gain read Dr. John R. Lee's book titled "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause."

For more about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle by eating foods according to the time of day the body makes the enzymes to digest them, read Marcella Vonn Harting's book titled "Chronobiotic Nutrition".

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: menstruation-/-period,menstrual-cramps — "The present study indicated that lavender aromatherapy as a potential therapeutic modality could alleviate premenstrual emotional symptoms, which, at least in part, is attributable to the improvement of parasympathetic nervous system activity. This study further implies that HRV could evaluate the efficacy of aromatherapy using various fragrances to relieve premenstrual symptoms, and ultimately, support the mind and body health of women."Link
2.Associated topics: hormones — "Therapy with beta-caryophyllene [present in many essential oils] may present a promising novel, non-toxic therapeutic option for patients with endometriosis."Link
3.Associated topics: hormones — "After inhalation of clary sage oil, cortisol levels were significantly decreased.... Thyroid stimulating hormone was also reduced.... Clary sage oil has antidepressant-like effect...."Link
4.Associated topics: menstruation-/-period,menstrual-cramps — "Peppermint oil is harmless and acts locally to inhibit GI [gastrointestinal] smooth muscle contraction.... Peppermint oil solution administered intraluminally can be used as an antispasmodic agent with superior efficacy and fewer side effects than hyoscine-N-butylbromide...."Link
5.Associated topics: hormones — "DHEA [a component of PD 80/20], an androstene hormone [precursor to estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisone, and other hormones], has been shown to possess a wide range of beneficial biological effects mainly attributed to immune system modulation.... thus leading to beneficial effects in diverse human diseases including resistance to infection, neuroprotection, wound healing, diabetes, hepatic injury, cardiovascular disease, and cancer."Link
6.Associated topics: hormones — "Most studies, as well as clinically applied experience, have indicated that various essential oils, such as lavender, lemon and bergamot can help to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. Most notably, inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine), thereby further regulating mood."Link
7.Associated topics: weight-loss,diet — "Z. officinale [ginger] has been used to control diabetes and dyslipidemia [high cholesterol].... The marked rise in body weights, glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids in serum of the rats that followed 6 weeks of high-fat diet treatment were significantly reduced by Z. officinale treatment.... The present results provide scientific evidence to substantiate the traditional use of Z. officinale in preventing metabolic disorders."Link
8.Associated topics: hormones — "Results of bone density, bone mineral content, bone tensile strength and histological analysis also showed similar trend of results, which supported initial observations of this study. It is proposed that hydroalcoholic extract of dried clove buds has bone-preserving efficacy against hypogonadal [hormonally deficient] osteoporosis."Link

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