lavender fields for essential oils

Natural Health Resources

The following links have been added to help you on your quest for truth and better health. Check this list frequently as we will be adding new links over time. Please contact member services if you would like to suggest another resource.

Online Summits & Other Products
  • WholeTones Meditation Product - Wholetones Meditation is not just a small music player - it's a gateway to serenity and peace. Inspired by ancient healing frequencies, this innovative device offers over 2 hours of meditative music. It combines indigenous instruments with specific frequencies, designed to facilitate deep meditation, calm, and restful states. Frequencies include 333 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 444 Hz, 528 Hz, 741 Hz, and 963 Hz.
  • Butcher Box Bundle - ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, wild-caught Alaskan salmon and heritage pork right to your door with free shipping. Plus they always have a special offer for new subscribers when placing their first order!
  • Organic Mattress Product - Green mattresses are a smart choice for your family and the environment. They are made from all natural materials including latex rubber, wool and organic cotton. Green mattresses are biodegradable, chemical free and very comfortable. Upgrade the quality of your sleep today!
  • Garden Tower Project - With supply line issues and food shortages happening around the world, it is the perfect time to become self sufficient by growing your own fresh produce! Check out the Garden Tower 2.0. It's a composter and garden all in one.
  • Dressing Your Truth Project - When did you last look in your closet and find nothing to wear? No more. Sign up for the free Beginner’s Guide at Dressing Your Truth. Fellow Utah resident, Carol Tuttle, will walk you through how to pick clothes that look great together — and great on YOU!
  • Vibe Book - Green Smoothie Girl is offering a free hard cover copy of her new book about the frequency of essential oils and foods. Learn which have the highest vibration to supercharge your health!
  • Dentist Alternatives DVD - Your teeth are ALIVE and can heal themselves! Let Marjorie Wildcraft's DVD show you how she saved $1,000's on dentist visits using a 100% natural system of dental care based on ancient healing traditions.
Essential Oil Links
  • AGORA - The Aromatherapy Global Online Research Archives (AGORA) is a dynamic, growing resource for noncommercial aromatherapy information. Many individuals within the aromatherapy community have freely contributed information to the AGORA project.
  • Alliance of International Aromatherapists - The Alliance of International Aromatherapists is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting skilled, responsible uses of essential oils. They serve aromatherapists, healthcare providers and the public.
  • American Botanical Council - Excellent source for herbal information.
  • Aromatic Plant Project - A non-profit aromatherapy, organic hydrosol and essential oil education organization supporting American agriculture.
  • Dr. Z's Essential Oils Database - An A-Z guide to empower you with the tools that you need to use essential oils safely and effectively.