lavender fields for essential oils

Relieved Arm Fracture & Arthritis Pain

Author: Jess D.
Skill: Colon Hygienist
Date: 11-11-2010
Views: 9,626
Word Count: 447
Questions Received: Not available for contact
Testimonial ID: 4863-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 5

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

One of my dear friends broke her radius and ulna near her wrist last year. She had actually broken one of them the year prior and had x-rays taken, but the doctor failed to diagnose the break, saying nothing was wrong.

She continued to experience a great deal of pain over the next year, even though she went back to that doctor a couple times insisting that something was wrong. She didn't want to be a baby and decided to tough it out, thinking that the doctor knew what he was talking about.

So because of the weakness in that area from the one broken bone that never healed properly, when she went to pick up her son a year later, she experienced excruciating pain. So she went in to see a different doctor who took X-rays and found that both the radius and ulna were broken.

He also found the break from the year prior and questioned her on why it hadn't been addressed. (We think the doctor was suspecting abuse because he was dumbfounded that another doctor couldn't have accurately diagnosed what he was seeing.)

Because the initial break wasn't addressed when it first happened and with the new injury, there was already a lot of inflammation, arthritis was setting in and there was a cyst that had formed between the two broken bones. The doctor said surgery was necessary but that because of the severity and with all the inflammation, he could not operate at the time.

He said he had to cast it for at least 6 weeks. At the end of the 6 weeks, he would X-ray it again to see if it had healed enough for him to operate. My friend is very holistic to begin with, but is also terrified of anesthesia and she tends to hemorrhage and so she was terrified of having to have this surgery.

So she asked me if oils would help.

We put 3-5 drops of the PanAway oil blend all over the area several times before she got it casted. Then once it was casted (from her hand all the way up to her shoulder), she put PanAway under the cast on her hands as far as she could reach it in with her fingers, and under the cast at her shoulder. She did this twice a day with PanAway and prayer alone for 6 weeks.

The doctor x-rayed it again after 6 weeks and couldn't believe what he saw! The cyst and arthritis were gone and the bones had regrown so well that she no longer needed surgery.

I, too, have broken toes and fingers and PanAway alone has greatly helped with the pain as well as helped the bones repair quickly.

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: arthritic, bone injury, cysts, elderly, fractures.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: cyst — "[M]any curative properties attributed to various plants in indigenous medicine are also present in their essential oils.... These oils exert a number of general effects from the pharmacological viewpoint. When applied locally, the essential oils mix readily with skin oils, allowing these to attack the infective agents quickly and actively.... In vitro studies [were] conducted by the author on antimicrobial and anthelmintic [destructive to parasitic worms] properties of some essential oils...."Link
2.Associated topics: bones-/-osteo — "Common herbs, essential oils, and monoterpenes potently modulate bone metabolism.... we investigated several common herbs rich in essential oils (sage, rosemary, and thyme) and essential oils extracted from these herbs and other plants (oils of sage, rosemary, juniper, pine, dwarf pine, turpentine, and eucalyptus) as well as their monoterpene components (thujone, eucalyptol, camphor, borneol, thymol, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, bornylacetate as well as menthol) and found that they inhibit bone resorption.... Our study demonstrates for the first time that essential oils and monoterpenes are efficient inhibitors of bone resorption...."Link
3.Associated topics: bones-/-osteo — "Results of bone density, bone mineral content, bone tensile strength and histological analysis also showed similar trend of results, which supported initial observations of this study. It is proposed that hydroalcoholic extract of dried clove buds has bone-preserving efficacy against hypogonadal [hormonally deficient] osteoporosis."Link
4.Associated topics: arthritis — "Ruxiang (Gummi olibanum), the dried gum resin of Boswellia carterii (BC) [frankincense], has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate pain and inflammation for thousands of years.... The data show that BC extract has significant anti-arthritic and anti-inflammation effects and suggest that these effects may be mediated via the suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines."Link
5.Associated topics: arthritis — "We have demonstrated that Boswellia frereana [frankincense] prevents collagen degradation, and inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory mediators and MMPs. Due to its efficacy we propose that B. frereana should be examined further as a potential therapeutic agent for treating inflammatory symptoms associated with arthritis."Link

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