lavender fields for essential oils

Amazing Results From NingXia Red For Diabetes

Author: Jess D.
Skill: Colon Hygienist
Date: 10-10-2006
Views: 43,833
Word Count: 400
Questions Received: Not available for contact
Testimonial ID: 1768-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 8

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

I was diagnosed with diabetes eight years ago. At the time my fasting blood sugar was over 500mg/dl. Several medications later (one was Resilin that was pulled for causing liver damage) and trying different diets, I gained over 80 pounds.

At the time my daughter introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils and NingXia Red juice, my blood pressure was now compromised and I was told I needed two more drugs.

I had pain in my hands, feet (neuropathy), sore knees from a former torn ACL, poor circulation in my legs with several bruises and scars from diabetic leg ulcers. After taking 3 to 4 ounces of NingXia Red daily, the pain went away in my hands and knees and greatly receded in my feet. I was able to wear tennis shoes without pain and began walking 1 to 2 miles a day.

As I learned about the essential oils, I applied 4-6 drops daily of the PanAway, Valor oil blends, Wintergreen and Cypress to my knees, legs, ankles, feet and have increased my walking to 3 to 4 miles a day two months later with no pain.

I now ingest a vegetable capsule with 2-3 drops of Clove, Coriander, Cinnamon Bark and V-6, 5 to 6 times a day. I also take one full capsule of the Thieves oil blend early in the morning. I take Alkalime every night before bed with ImmuPower chewable tablets. I also take Vita Green, Essentialzyme, Master Hers and Super B.

I am convinced that NingXia Red has helped take away my craving for sweets. I have easily reduced my food intake and stopped all fast foods, processed foods, pop, tea and am now eating healthy raw vegetables, salads, and lean meats (mostly fish, chicken, and turkey). I also drink alkaline water half my body weight. I have lost 25 pounds since taking Young Living supplements.

Young Living has changed my life. I am 53 years old and two years ago my neighbor died of a heart attack and complications from diabetes. He was 52 and did not take his medication or change his diet.

I have tried to change my eating habits many times for the last thirty years, but have not been successful. I believe that I am successful now because of Young Living products especially NingXia Red and the essential oils.

I no longer take any medication and my blood sugar is averaging 160 and below.

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: glucose, hyperglycemia, hyperglycemic, hypertension, insulin, metformin, neuropathic, sugars, venous, weightloss.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: diabetes — "DHEA [a component of PD 80/20], an androstene hormone [precursor to estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisone, and other hormones], has been shown to possess a wide range of beneficial biological effects mainly attributed to immune system modulation.... thus leading to beneficial effects in diverse human diseases including resistance to infection, neuroprotection, wound healing, diabetes, hepatic injury, cardiovascular disease, and cancer."Link
2.Associated topics: hypertension,blood-pressure — "The ylang ylang oil caused a significant decrease of blood pressure and a significant increase of skin temperature. At the behavioral level, subjects in the ylang ylang oil group rated themselves more calm and more relaxed than subjects in the control group. These findings are likely to represent a relaxing effect of the ylang ylang oil and provide some evidence for the usage of the ylang ylang oil in aromatherapy such as causing a relief of depression and stress in humans."Link
3.Associated topics: hypertension,blood-pressure — "Lavender essential oil has been used as an anxiolytic [anxiety] drug, a mood stabilizer, a sedative, spasmolytic [muscle spasms], antihypertensive [high blood pressure], antimicrobial, analgesic [pain] agent as well as a wound healing accelerator.... The present study suggests that inhalation of lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches."Link
4.Associated topics: blood-sugar,diabetes — "Cinnamaldehyde [in cinnamon] has antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic [cholesterol-lowering] actions in db/db mice and could be useful in the treatment of type-2 diabetes."Link
5.Associated topics: blood-sugar,diabetes — "D-limonene is a major constituent in citrus essential oil.... Recently, d-limonene has been reported to alleviate fatty liver induced by a high-fat diet. Our data suggest that the intake of d-limonene may benefit patients with dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia and is a potential dietary supplement for preventing and ameliorating metabolic disorders."Link
6.Associated topics: diabetes — "Myrtle oil (MO) exerts hypoglycemic as well as mild hypotriglyceridemic activity in diabetic animals. The reduction in blood glucose level may be due to the reversible inhibition of alpha-glucosidases present in the brush-border of the small intestinal mucosa, higher rate of glycolysis as envisaged by the higher activity of glucokinase, as one of the key enzymes of glycolysis, and enhanced rate of glycogenesis as evidenced by the higher amount of liver glycogen present after MO administration."Link
7.Associated topics: weight-loss,diabetes,diet — "Z. officinale [ginger] has been used to control diabetes and dyslipidemia [high cholesterol].... The marked rise in body weights, glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids in serum of the rats that followed 6 weeks of high-fat diet treatment were significantly reduced by Z. officinale treatment.... The present results provide scientific evidence to substantiate the traditional use of Z. officinale in preventing metabolic disorders."Link
8.Associated topics: sore-/-ulcer — "In the present study, we have evaluated the gastroprotective activity of turmeric essential oil (TEO) and ginger essential oil (GEO) in rats.... Histopathological examination showed that ethanol-induced lesions such as necrosis, erosion, and hemorrhage of the stomach wall were significantly reduced after oral administration of essential oils.... Results suggest that TEO and GEO could reduce the gastric ulcer in rat stomach as seen from the ulcer index and histopathology of the stomach. Moreover, oxidative stress produced by ethanol was found to be significantly reduced by TEO and GEO."Link

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