lavender fields for essential oils

Abscessed Tooth In The Night Caused Crying

Author: Erin L.
Skill: Raindrop Technique
Date: 04-17-2013
Views: 5,198
Word Count: 446
Questions Received: 0
Testimonial ID: 8475-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 2

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

My 3.5 year old son complained one night that his tooth hurt. I looked in his mouth and sure enough, there was an infection around one of his teeth. I brushed them with my Thieves oil blend, put a drop on a cotton swab and applied to the area.

Since the mucous membranes of the mouth provide a quick entry to the bloodstream, I also applied the ImmuPower oil blend to his feet so his immune system would have an extra boost to fight off the infection.

He woke up in the middle of the night crying because of the pain, so I put more Thieves on the area, and applied the Peace & Calming oil blend to his hands and feet to help him go back to sleep. He immediately went back to sleep and didn't wake up until the next morning.

When he did wake up, his face was swollen. His mouth still looked pretty infected, but he didn't complain about pain. I asked him several times throughout the day if it hurt and he said no.

I brushed his teeth and applied the Thieves a few times that day. A couple of times I added Frankincense oil to the cotton swab as well. I swabbed his mouth with Thieves and put a few drops of ImmuPower on his feet before he went to bed.

The next morning, his face was visibly more swollen. At this point my husband began to question whether or not we should have him checked out. I didn't want to, because I knew the doctor would prescribe an antibiotic and maybe even suggest extracting the tooth, which I knew would be traumatic for my 3 year-old.

I continued applying Thieves throughout the day. He never complained about pain or had difficulty eating.

When he woke up the following morning, the swelling was completely gone! We were able to treat the infection without a doctor or dentist visit and without the risks and side effects of antibiotics.

My son has never had antibiotics, so we don't know if he's allergic. Even if he's not allergic, antibiotics kill the good bacteria that the body needs for digestion and immune function. Without the friendly bacteria, yeast can grow unchecked leading to an overgrowth of candida.

We were also able to save money by using essential oils. A 15ml bottle of Thieves is $32.75 which is just 13.5 cents per drop. We have a high medical deductible, so we would have had to pay the entire cost of the doctor or urgent care visit (this happened over the weekend) and for any medication.

The amount of oils we used cost about $4.50. Use my contact link below if you have any questions.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: abscessed-tooth,dental,tooth-/-teeth,gums — Study 1: "[Oil pulling] would benefit the general population by giving more confidence in the ancient practices, thus preventing tooth decay and loss." Study 2: "Oil pulling therapy has been equally effective like chlorhexidine on halitosis and organisms, associated with halitosis." Study 3: "The oil pulling therapy showed a reduction in the plaque index, modified gingival scores, and total colony count of aerobic microorganisms in the plaque of adolescents with plaque-induced gingivitis." Study 4: "Oil pulling can be used as an effective preventive adjunct in maintaining and improving oral health." Study 5: "The myth that the effect of oil-pulling therapy on oral health was just a placebo effect has been broken, and there are clear indications of possible saponification and emulsification process, which enhances its mechanical cleaning action."Link
2.Associated topics: abscessed-tooth,dental,tooth-/-teeth,gums — "Both clove and benzocaine gels had significantly lower mean pain scores than placebos. No significant difference was observed between clove and benzocaine regarding pain scores. Clove gel might possess a potential to replace benzocaine as a topical [anesthetic] agent before needle insertion."Link

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