lavender fields for essential oils

Essential Oils For Eczema, Skin Abrasions & Acne

Author: Angie S.
Date: 03-01-2005
Views: 17,093
Word Count: 405
Questions Received: 2
Testimonial ID: 637-OR
Brand Neutral: Yes
Scientific Studies: 8

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

1. Eczema - My daughter's eczema is gone. I had mixed 1/2 a cup of Olive oil with a few drops of Lavender oil on her elbows and backs of her legs. Both sites have cleared up nicely with minimal discoloration and are smooth and not itchy.

2. Skin Abrasion - Same daughter "wiped-out" as she calls it on the concrete and skinned her elbow badly on her way to school almost a week ago. When she came home and showed me her elbow I took off the bandage and applied Lavender oil to the whole area. The pain and stinging went right away (which was a relief to her, because as she bent her elbow it throbbed with pain). The recovery process was so much quicker than anything I've ever seen and, with four children who are all tree climbers and very active, I've seen lots of "boo boos"!

Today it's been almost a week and the elbow looks good and the skin is recovering nicely. We've been applying the Lavender oil full strength to it, at first a few times a day as needed for pain, and now only once a day. It looks like there won't be any scarring, which is a plus.

3. Skin irritation & Acne - This one is a personal experience. I did a BIG no no and am paying for it. My daughter and husband had birthdays this weekend, and I drank a few sodas. I completely break out when I drink soda, and the acne around my chin was so irritated and horribly itchy. One place even bled, after the scab came, off when I was washing my face with a cloth.

So I applied Lavender oil after remembering a testimonial here and thinking about my daughter's success with Lavender. The black scabbed area went away within a few hours. I just happened to walk by a mirror and notice.

Also the tenderness of the break-out is almost completely gone and it seems to be disappearing. It went from this morning from bright red and raw looking to now lightly pink and was clearing up quickly. I applied a few drops night before last, twice yesterday, and now I am doing another application today. I wish I would have remembered to take before and after pictures. I'll have to remember to do so in the future with skin irritation or abrasions.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: eczema-/-dermatitis,acne-/-pimples-/-zits — "Eyelid scrubs or massage with tea tree oil could be an effective treatment regimen in cases of blepharoconjunctivitis [and Demodex mite infestation]."Link
2.Associated topics: scrapes-/-scratches-/-abrasions — "[A] literature review of evidence on the influence of essential oils on wound healing and their potential application in clinical practice... focus[ing] mainly on tea tree, lavender, chamomile, thyme, and ocimum [basil] oils."Link
3.Associated topics: food-allergy-/-sensitivity — "[L]avender oil inhibits immediate-type allergic reactions [anaphylaxis] by inhibition of mast cell degranulation in-vivo and in-vitro."Link
4.Associated topics: eczema-/-dermatitis — "[T]opical fatty acids and essential oils are a useful treatment option for canine atopic dermatitis."Link
5.Associated topics: itching-(Pruritus),eczema-/-dermatitis — "[T]ea tree oil seems to be a more effective anti-eczematic agent than zinc oxide and clobetasone butyrate...."Link
6.Associated topics: scrapes-/-scratches-/-abrasions,scar-tissue — "[One] method employed for wound healing is the application of lavender oil. Due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, it is thought to prevent wound infections and to play a role in reducing pain by lowering inflammation.... Lavender oil is known to have antibacterial, antifungal, sedative, and/or antidepressant effects.... In addition to its antimicrobial effects, the anti-inflammatory analgesic properties of lavender oil have also been emphasized... The use of L. Angustifolia [lavender] is particularly recommended in chronically infected wounds due to its immune-stimulating and antimicrobial effects. There are also reports that lavender oil reduces scar tissue."Link
7.Associated topics: food-allergy-/-sensitivity — "[T]he biological activity of 20 essential oils (EOs) from herbal plants and citrus fruits were investigated in terms of mammalian DNA polymerase (pol) inhibitory activity, cancer cell (human colon carcinoma) growth inhibitory activity, antiallergic activity... in rat basophilic leukemia cells, and antioxidant activity.... Among these EOs, chamomile... showed significant effects on both cancer cell growth and mast cell degranulation. On the basis of these results, chamomile EO can be recommended as a potentially useful, bioactive candidate for therapeutic applications."Link
8.Associated topics: acne-/-pimples-/-zits — "Tea tree oil... has become increasingly popular as an antimicrobial for the treatment of conditions such as tinea pedis [athlete’s foot] and acne....[T]ea tree oil can reduce histamine-induced skin inflammation."Link

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