lavender fields for essential oils

Using Oils After A Paralyzing Stroke

Author: Linda C.
Skill: Energy Worker
Date: 08-17-2011
Views: 52,440
Word Count: 1,260
Questions Received: 17
Testimonial ID: 6224-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 8

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

My father is 80 and had a stroke in Puerto Rico. He was admitted to the hospital called the Good Samaritan, where my uncle had died at just a year earlier, because they gave him a medication that caused his heart to swell, I found out later.

When I arrived at his home and checked his fridge, I found that he had several gallons of water in the fridge that reeked of bleach. I thought immediately that he had been poisoned. Not wanting to interfere with the test results, I decided not to take oils with me to help him at the hospital.

When I arrived there, just 4 days after he was admitted for the stroke, I found that they had him on a regular diet even though his chart showed that he was diabetic with failing kidneys.

His blood sugar levels were in the 300's. The AC was on high to the point it must have been about 50 degrees in the room, and he had no clothes on, just a thin hospital blanket. He was so weak and he wasn't responding when I called his name. He wasn't eating either.

When they came to bathe him, I immediately refused their help and took the wipes myself and gave him a bath. I was not going to risk them freezing him any more than they already had. Along with a catheter, he also had an IV, and after I pointed out that he wasn't eating, they put in a feeding tube.

When I asked if they had taken a test to see if he was poisoned, they checked the charts and verified that they had not. I insisted they do so immediately, explaining that I had found bleach in all his drinking water.

After throwing a fit about the conditions, they waited until his doctor came that evening when my cousin was watching him to release him and send him home. I was given no instructions, other than a phone number to call the ambulance in an case of emergency. He was basically not responding, just sleeping.

I called my cousin the next morning and immediately started applying the oils Cedarwood and Spearmint to his head and the glands under his throat. I also applied the Valor oil blend.

When my cousin got there, he showed me how to fill a small paper cup with Glucerna, and put it to my father's lips so that it descended down his tongue before it reached his throat so he wouldn't choke. We often had to talk loud to my father to tell him to swallow because he often would fall asleep while we fed him.

When I change his diaper, his bottom was sore in several places. I applied a mixture of organic coconut oil with Lavender and Cedarwood oils. All of these are excellent for soothing the skin in the diaper area, this I knew from my experience with my baby son.

After about 30 minutes, my dad opened his eyes and when my cousin was leaving and said, "Blessings, Uncle", my dad responded in a whisper,"God Bless You", which is a tradition of the Puertorican families when they are leaving a home, the younger ones ask the elders for a blessing of words.

I immediately started working on my father, using the Purification Oil blend on his feet and applying the Vita Flex Technique (if you are not familiar with this technique you can view how to do it at to the inner part of his soles from the heel to the big toe, three times.

I applied the same oils to his hands and would massage them as well, from the center and then out and would pull his fingers with pressure all the way up to his finger tips, three times.

I also would pump his feet by bending the toes in opposite directions, forward on one foot and down on the other foot, at the same time, for 100 times. I ordered a large shipment of the following oils and products, 2 bottles of NingXia Red juice, Frankincense, Sandalwood, the PanAway, Present Time, Raven, and Highest Potential oil blends and also Geranium.

I did use the RC oil blend on his chest before I got Raven, because he had a very scary cough, whenever he did eat. The Raven worked better than the RC. I also used Peppermint on his chest along with the RC.

His stomach would hurt, and he was severely constipated, as it was 8 days before he went number 2. I tried the DiGize oil blend, along with Peppermint, but I ended up having to do an enema. There was little waste because he was on liquids since the stroke.

The NingXia Red arrived 6 days after he was home and I immediately started giving him 3 ounces 3 times a day for the first bottle. After one week, I was able to see improvement in the amount of times he was awake, as well as he was able to start eating soft foods.

I was able to get him a blessing from the Elders of my church about 9 days later, then the real improvement took place. His paralyzed side became stronger and he started rolling over in bed.

It is now 3 weeks since the stroke and my father can talk now. He eats regular foods and is able to go to the bathroom regularly without the help of DiGize and Peppermint. He no longer needs to use the PanAway oil blend, but is basically pain free.

He was able to make the trip home on the airplane. His cough is gone completely. I still use the solution on his bottom, but there are no sores to speak of. His skin is as soft as a babies skin. He hasn't started walking yet, but I believe he will when I get the Melissa oil.

I have learned how to manage his blood sugar level well with Barley, Goat's Milk and White Stevia, and have created some really delicious recipes with Barley. I will be recording them soon on my website, so be sure to check there to get them -

Barley is the grain to use to keep your blood sugar stable and it allows you to eat and get full and it has an amazing effect on your energy level. It can be used in place of rice and oatmeal.

I put my Dad on Live Five which has helped him with not having constant bowel runs. I see an improvement in his stomach functions as well. I love it because it really is different than other probiotics that are on the market today. I will also be putting my father on AgilEase as well as Sulfurzyme.

I am currently massaging his kidney areas on his back, hands and feet with Geranium, Balsam Fir, Lemongrass, Juniper, Grapefruit, Frankincense, and extra virgin Coconut Oil, ten drops of each oil with equal drops of the coconut oil mixed in one of my empty bottles.

The fact that so much improvement has occurred in the matter of less than three weeks is a miracle to behold! I am so blessed to have these oils and the knowledge that is available from this testimonial site.

May God Bless all of us as we seek to do our best with every day that we are given, this is my prayer.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, either here or on my website. I feel blessed to help others in any way I can!

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: bowels, constapation, digestion, digestive, elderly, foggy, forget, forgetful, geriatric, memory, paralysis, remember, remembering.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: cough — "Cineole has mucolytic, bronchodilating and anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the exacerbation rate in patients suffering from COPD, as well as ameliorates symptoms in patients suffering from asthma and rhinosinusitis.... The effects of Cineole in the treatment of acute bronchitis were clearly measurable and could be proven after a treatment period of merely 4 days. This study corroborates the fact that Cineole actively and significantly reduces cough frequency after four days."Link
2.Associated topics: upset-stomach-/-tummy — "Foeniculum vulgare Mill, commonly called fennel, has been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments related to digestive, endocrine, reproductive, and respiratory systems. Additionally, it is also used as a galactagogue agent for lactating mothers.... Foeniculum vulgare has emerged as a good source of traditional medicine and it provides a noteworthy basis in pharmaceutical biology for the development/formulation of new drugs and future clinical uses."Link
3.Associated topics: upset-stomach-/-tummy — "Gastroprotective effects of Lemon essential oil: In ethanol model, CL (citrus lemon) and LIM (limonene) [component of Lemon] demonstrated 100% of gastroprotection.... In the indomethacin model, CL and LIM offered effective gastroprotection...."Link
4.Associated topics: upset-stomach-/-tummy — "[W]e studied the anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective effects of C. citratus [Lemongrass] and E. citriodora [Lemon Eucalyptus] essential oils on formol-induced edema and acetic acid induced abdominal cramps in Wistar rats.... In vivo analysis and histological assay showed that the two essential oils displayed significant dose-dependent edema [swelling] inhibition effect over time. They displayed strong analgesic [pain-relieving] and antipyretic [fever-reducing] properties similar to that induced by 50 mg/kg of acetylsalicylate of lysine.... This work demonstrates the anti-inflammatory property of Cymbopogon citratus [Lemongrass] and Eucalyptus citriodora [Lemon Eucalyptus], suggesting their potential role as adjuvant therapeutic alternatives in dealing with inflammatory-related diseases."Link
5.Associated topics: diabetes — "DHEA [a component of PD 80/20], an androstene hormone [precursor to estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisone, and other hormones], has been shown to possess a wide range of beneficial biological effects mainly attributed to immune system modulation.... thus leading to beneficial effects in diverse human diseases including resistance to infection, neuroprotection, wound healing, diabetes, hepatic injury, cardiovascular disease, and cancer."Link
6.Associated topics: diarrhea-/-loose-stools,constipation-/-irregularity — "A 4 weeks treatment with peppermint oil improves abdominal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.... The symptoms evaluated were: abdominal bloating, abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, feeling of incomplete evacuation, pain at defecation, passage of gas or mucus, and urgency at defecation."Link
7.Associated topics: blood-sugar,diabetes — "Cinnamaldehyde [in cinnamon] has antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic [cholesterol-lowering] actions in db/db mice and could be useful in the treatment of type-2 diabetes."Link
8.Associated topics: blood-sugar,diabetes — "D-limonene is a major constituent in citrus essential oil.... Recently, d-limonene has been reported to alleviate fatty liver induced by a high-fat diet. Our data suggest that the intake of d-limonene may benefit patients with dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia and is a potential dietary supplement for preventing and ameliorating metabolic disorders."Link

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