lavender fields for essential oils

Experience At The Young Life Research Clinic

Author: Alicia W.
Skill: Raindrop Technique
Date: 07-23-2004
Views: 35,130
Word Count: 2,439
Questions Received: 52
Testimonial ID: 241-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 6

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

Well it's almost the end of week 1 here in Utah. This week went so fast. My 5 days at the clinic this past week were very busy. I had a Raindrop everyday. A massage everyday, acupuncture everyday, chiropractic everyday.

I used the bicycles in the gym for a little while in between appointments. I had colonics everyday - not to get graphic or anything but they have a TV screen that you can look at to see what is coming out! Needless to say they found parasites and I saw them coming out.....Yuck, but a good thing.

I had a B.E.F.E treatment everyday to draw out the toxins from the feet from the body. I've had IV therapy everyday - EDTA which chelates heavy metals, Vitamin C IV's, Glutathione which is good for the liver, Hydrogen Peroxide IV's which is good for getting rid of yeast/candida and oxygenating the blood.

While all this is going on I am not eating any food whatsoever only the lemonade. I've been fasting 6 days so far. Will continue all next week until I come home - roughly around 14 days.

The staff, doctors and nurses are so nice and caring. If you're not having a good day they say "that's a good thing", "great", "that's wonderful" which is encouraging to you. I had a follow-up visit for dry blood/live blood cell analysis yesterday and it looked horrible, but she said that was a "good thing" it's because I'm cleansing so much.

I really look forward to the massage treatments. I have had major emotional releases on the table. Haven't cried this much in a long time, but it's a good thing. I've been doing a lot of emotional healing. It's all part of their therapy, my therapy. I look forward to my next emotional clearing session - it was amazing. The oils, combined with music really open you up and you release a lot of unwanted "gunk".

Today we went to the Young Living Farms in Mona. Spectacular views. Took a lot of pics of the animals. You name it they have it. Llamas, zebras, the white buffalo, donkeys, camels, chickens, reindeer, ostriches, sheep, horses, etc. Took a tour of the farm on a horse pulled carriage. They own so much land out there.

Now I know why the cost of the oils are up there, it's because every herb/plant first seedling is started in their greenhouse and then is taken from there and hand planted into the ground by the Young Living workers - no machines.....So maybe now you can appreciate why these oils are so precious and the price is more than others on the market.

I saw the distillery where the oils are made. I also saw Gary Young's new medieval park where jousting takes place. We were talking to one of the workers there and he said that he plans on building an indoor arena that seats around 5,000 people, so they can have jousting tournaments in the winter. It's in the very early stages right now.

He built a little town called The Younger Town and it is set up like the wild west. I had my picture taken with a scarecrow (girl who works there)....It's a fun place to go. They have paddle boats, a rock climbing wall, pony rides for the kids.

You can actually buy the products there right on the farm (anything you find online and for distributors you get the PV for it) They have a restaurant there in the visitors center and the smell of prime rib was wafting into the air. It smelled so good. So now I know what the farm looks like.

My first full day here we went to corporate headquarters and took pictures - no one was working because it was Sunday. The distribution center is right around the corner from the clinic, so Monday I get to pick up my autoship order (no shipping charges).

I took a lot of pictures.......When I get home I will upload them on the web so you can see the farm, etc.

Well it's 6:00 here and getting cooler. I will keep you informed of my progress. I already have my schedule for Monday and I am very busy again. It probably will be for the rest of the week. If you wish not to receive my updates just let me know and I won't send them to you.

It is 7:00 am here in Provo, UT. Today will be my 2nd day at the Young Living clinic. Yesterday was my initial consultation day. I was excited and anxious not knowing what to expect, but after I got to the clinic and went inside, my anxiety lessened because everyone is so nice here. Without going into to much detail at 8am I had to learn the specifics along with the other patients (really nice) about what my day would be like, where everything is located in the 2 buildings.

It is a nice facility. So Marci, a nurse there gave us all a tour. Saw where Louise the Iridologist was, live blood cell analysis, the huge exercise room with tons of workout equipment. The chiropractor, Dr. Alsop (great doc). Also, where the BEFE treatments are done, colonic room.

Took a walk over to Bldg. 2 and the sky was bright blue with the mountains in the background (breathtaking). In this building is where I had my first Raindrop of the day with Wendy. Dr. Gunther the Acupuncturist is also located in this building. The smells of the oils wafting into the air is so wonderful.

I am happy I am here. I had many things validated and confirmed for me yesterday, which makes me feel more at peace. I started the Lemonade Cleanse (Master Cleanse) yesterday. I have to drink 6-12 glasses per day with water in between. Get to add the Juva Cleanse blend and some other oils that they had on the table.

I also have to drink Gary Young's recipe for Vita Flex Juice which is for liver cleansing - tastes really good (beets, celery, carrot, red potato, and radish) 8 oz a day. Also have to drink 8 oz fresh carrot juice a day. All of these juices are sent up from the Young Living Farm.

Dr. Hill spoke to us yesterday about our journey at the clinic and explained that when we leave for home we will need to continue whatever protocol they give us for 90 days. I've made a commitment to get myself better and it involves work not only physical cleansing but also spiritually and emotional as well.

It's work, but it's worth it and what an environment it is. I highly recommend this clinic for anyone no matter what state of health you are in. I am proud to be a Young Living distributor and be a part of the Young Living vision.

It's hard to put everything into words, but I will do my best. The nurses, the staff, the doctors and therapists are such wonderful people. They don't treat you like a number there. They treat you as an individual human being - with much respect, care and love. It was really hard leaving there today.

I was talking to Nicky one of the girls on the staff and she said that they are getting a lot of calls lately thinking that the clinic is a "day spa". Let me make perfectly clear that's it's not and that's what she stressed. They treat the body as a whole there from every aspect and point of view.

You have a doctor and his assistant working on your structural system and nervous system through kinesiology. Then you have a Doctor of Acupuncture (chinese medicine) working on your "chi" or energy deficiencies and imbalances. He uses oils with the needles. Then there is the head medical doc - great man. There is also Dr. Hill who is chief administrator at the clinic. He is one of the execs.

You then have the nursing staff who take your vitals, weight, etc, and do the IV therapy every single day. I've been poked a lot in the past 2 weeks. I've had Hydrogen Peroxide, EDTA, Vitamin C and Glutathione. Then you have the nursing assistants who help you with your IV's, getting in and out of the BEFE treatment and any other concerns or questions you may have.

There are 2 colon therapists who are great. They've seen my 'poop' for the past 2 weeks. Talk about 'parasite city' for me. Better out than in. The lemonade seems to loosen all the mucous and debris from the body and the colon that builds up (sorry if that was too graphic an image!).

Then you have the great part - the massages: Raindrop, massage therapy, lymphatic drainage all being done by the massage therapists. I've had treatments with all of them and they are all great and so nice!

Then there is Louise Harvey who does Iridology and emotional clearing with the oils. She's an amazing person. I had 3-4 emotional clearing sessions with her. I recommend them highly. There is also the Dry Blood / Live Blood analysis.

There is the nutrition part with supplements. Joy who is the office manager to help you with billing questions, etc. Sadie who works the front desk.

Everyone at the clinic is so nice and accommodating. They help you out with any need you have and make you feel at home. I met some great people from all walks of life that traveled great distances to get well. Everyone had their own stories to share. It's been a great experience for me.

It's amazing how quickly you bond with everyone. Everyone is there for one major reason to get well and the support was amazing. Even though the room was filled almost everyday with people with varying degrees of illness, there was always laughter in the air. Something that Dr. Lewis and the staff stress immensely. So they not only work on the physical body, but the mental and spiritual as well. It's all connected and all goes together.

To be truthfully honest I can't tell you everyday was a piece of cake. There were many days I didn't feel well because of the cleansing process. The Master Cleanse stirs up a lot of emotions and toxins and old 'lovely' things surface. That's where emotional clearing comes in. The days I was up and excited and positive. Some that were depressing. Some I just couldn't figure out, but in the end it's all worth the huge effort that myself and every patient puts forth to get better.

I highly recommend this clinic to anyone - even if you think you are well you will be surprised what comes out and surfaces. It can be scary at times, but there is a constant support system there to make it easier.

My two weeks have been a great adventure and if I need to come back I don't think I would hesitate because the results I've seen so far in myself have been great. I'm not 100%, my problems aren't over, but now I know what I have and how to take care of it. It's a journey and it can be rough at times, but that's life - isn't it. I have more work to do on myself (physically, emotionally and spiritually).

So I will sign off, because I am getting teary eyed just writing this. I hope you all enjoyed my updates. If any of you want more in depth details, please contact me with the above link.

****Update 06/2007****

I just wanted to update you all the Young Living Clinic in Utah is closed. It has been closed for over the past year. I been receiving many emails from my original testimonial on where the clinic is in Utah and how can they get there. I just wanted to inform that Gary Young has moved it down to Ecuador.

Here is the new information for the clinic in Ecuador. It came by way of Nancy Sanderson, Gary Young's sister.

Nova Vita S.A.
Centro Para Medicina Natural
Longevity, Rejuvenation and Natural Healing Center

Av. Las Monjas #115

January 2007
Entre Circunvatacion y catanera
Urdesa Central
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Tel: Out of Country: 011-593-4288-3480
Tel: In Country: 04-288-3460

Nova Vita (New Life) is dedicated to helping people help their bodies with natural God-given tools and life style changes. Our atmosphere is like a family. Everyone cheers for each other's success and we all work to encourage and help each other. The weather is between 80 and 90 degrees all year. The rainy season is from January to April but the temperatures are still warm.
The Nova Vita Center is located in the heart of the business district of Guayaquil, Ecuador about 10 minutes from the International Airport. If you have not arranged to be picked up, you can take a taxi to the clinic which, at the most, would cost between $5 and $10. The clinic is open from approximately 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Major airlines such as Delta, Continental, American, Copa Airlines (, Lan Ecuador ( or, and Avianca have direct flights out of various cities in the United States. Air France and Iberia fly directly from Europe.

While taking treatment, the patients can bask in the sunshine while sitting around the swimming pool in a resort atmosphere surrounded with palm trees and beautiful plants or read a good book or watch a fun movie in the coolness of the air conditioning.

The protocols include intravenous treatment with anti-cancer essential oil compounds. These all are in specific oils such as boswellic acid, limonene, and terpinenes. The oils regulate and balance catecholamines of the neuro-transmitters that strengthen the immune system and suppress degeneration.

Other modalities used are IV chelation, neuro-auricular oil therapy, massage, Raindrop therapy, colonics, foot baths for detoxification with electrical frequency, nutritional diet, modified juice fasting, and research using new plant extracts from the Amazon jungle used by various tribes for hundreds of years for the treatment of cancer and degenerative disease.

Everyone is invited to participate in a variety of classes on essential oils, herbs, nutrition, bible studies (bring your own bible), positive attitude, goal setting, emotional healing, etc.

Monday through Saturday, all three meals are provided in the clinic. Meals are basically vegetarian with a little fish or chicken depending one's dietary needs. Exotic fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance as well as fabulous juices common to Ecuador.

We want our patients to enjoy a peaceful, restful and uplifting time while they are healing. The fruits and vegetables are fresh and mostly organic and very delicious such as mango, papaya, pineapple, watermelon and many that you probably have never heard of which you will enjoy.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: emotions-/-feelings — "The present study indicated that lavender aromatherapy as a potential therapeutic modality could alleviate premenstrual emotional symptoms, which, at least in part, is attributable to the improvement of parasympathetic nervous system activity. This study further implies that HRV could evaluate the efficacy of aromatherapy using various fragrances to relieve premenstrual symptoms, and ultimately, support the mind and body health of women."Link
2.Associated topics: emotions-/-feelings — "Beta-Caryophyllene [component of cannabis, clove, copaiba], a CB2 [cannabinoid] receptor agonist produces multiple behavioral changes relevant to anxiety and depression in mice.... these preclinical results suggest that CB2 receptors may provide alternative therapeutic targets for the treatment of anxiety and depression. The possibility that BCP may ameliorate the symptoms of these mood disorders offers exciting prospects for future studies."Link
3.Associated topics: emotions-/-feelings — "Lavender essential oil has been used as an anxiolytic [anxiety] drug, a mood stabilizer, a sedative, spasmolytic [muscle spasms], antihypertensive [high blood pressure], antimicrobial, analgesic [pain] agent as well as a wound healing accelerator.... The present study suggests that inhalation of lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches."Link
4.Associated topics: diet — "Z. officinale [ginger] has been used to control diabetes and dyslipidemia [high cholesterol].... The marked rise in body weights, glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids in serum of the rats that followed 6 weeks of high-fat diet treatment were significantly reduced by Z. officinale treatment.... The present results provide scientific evidence to substantiate the traditional use of Z. officinale in preventing metabolic disorders."Link
5.Associated topics: detox-/-cleanse — "In nine studies, Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) has shown effectiveness for arteriosclerosis, autism, Bells palsy, chemotherapy-induced toxicity, degenerative disc disease, detox, muscle wasting, muscular dystrophy, neuroblastoma, neuroprotection, oxidative stress, and spinal stenosis."Link
6.Associated topics: diet — "Co-administration of the lime essential oil and ketotifen caused significant suppression in gaining weight, as well as decreased body weights of mice. The data obtained in this study suggested that lime essential oil plays an important role in weight loss and could be useful in the treatment of drug-induced obesity and related diseases."Link

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