Taking Essential Oils Along On Vacation
Author: Katie M.
Skill: Doula
Date: 05-10-2007
Views: 10,512
Word Count: 457
Questions Received: 1
Testimonial ID: 2122-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 8
Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.
After reading many of the accounts in this forum, I decided to take all the oils I owned with me along with our family on vacation. I am still very new to the oils, but because of thyroid health issues, I am trying to support my health and that of my family with natural means first.
It requires deliberately teaching myself a new way instead of resorting to the "knee-jerk reaction" of heading for chemically-based products. What surprised me most was how often these oils helped our family, many times when we had no other recourse available.
* Baby boy fell backwards from picnic table bench onto concrete and of course, began screaming in pain. We immediately ran and applied Lavender Oil. We noticed neither tenderness nor any bruising afterward.
* Though we remembered our Travel Berkey Lite, we forgot our filled water bottles and thermos at home. I had to buy new containers and distilled water. Concerned about the quality of the water, I added Peppermint or the Thieves oil blend to my water. Two of our children later got sick on the trip, which I attribute to the distilled water. I didn't get sick at all. My husband, who used Peppermint oil in his water, only became mildly sick. My only complaint is the surprise and dismay at seeing that the Peppermint and/or Thieves had the power to eat through the Lexan plastic of our Eddie Bauer water bottles!
* I mentioned the kids got sick. We had a lot of puke, and the baby had fever. Peppermint came to the rescue to help alleviate much of their suffering. We were, at the time, in very rural Nauvoo Illinois, on a Sunday, with NO hospital or familiar doctor anywhere nearby.
* We had cuts, scrapes, slivers, all helped by Lavender oil. It got to where we didn't go anywhere at all without carrying Lavender and Peppermint on our person, because one time we forgot it back at the room.
* We used Thieves in the dishwater to help disinfect the stainless steel dishes we brought along (instead of using paper or plastic).
* For the first time in a very long time, I did not need a vacation to get over my vacation (road trip from Michigan to Arkansas), and this is with hypothyroidism. I chalk it up to the support I received from the Endoflex, Peace & Calming, Forgiveness, Valor and Joy oil blends. I was happier, my family was happier.
My irritability (common to sufferers of thyroid imbalance) was especially helped by the daily use of Endoflex (see www.stopthethyroidmadness.com) and the daily intake of natural iodine (see seaweed articles on www.ryandrum.com and/or the iodine book at www.drbrownstein.com).
I think I'm going to stay on this "Essential Oil Vacation" every day!
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Supporting Scientific Studies | ||
1. | Associated topics: fever-/-febrile -/-temperature-/-(Pyrexia) — "[W]e studied the anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective effects of C. citratus [Lemongrass] and E. citriodora [Lemon Eucalyptus] essential oils on formol-induced edema and acetic acid induced abdominal cramps in Wistar rats.... In vivo analysis and histological assay showed that the two essential oils displayed significant dose-dependent edema [swelling] inhibition effect over time. They displayed strong analgesic [pain-relieving] and antipyretic [fever-reducing] properties similar to that induced by 50 mg/kg of acetylsalicylate of lysine.... This work demonstrates the anti-inflammatory property of Cymbopogon citratus [Lemongrass] and Eucalyptus citriodora [Lemon Eucalyptus], suggesting their potential role as adjuvant therapeutic alternatives in dealing with inflammatory-related diseases." | Link |
2. | Associated topics: hypothyroidism-(Low-Activity) — "Myrtle oil (MO) exerts hypoglycemic as well as mild hypotriglyceridemic activity in diabetic animals. The reduction in blood glucose level may be due to the reversible inhibition of alpha-glucosidases present in the brush-border of the small intestinal mucosa, higher rate of glycolysis as envisaged by the higher activity of glucokinase, as one of the key enzymes of glycolysis, and enhanced rate of glycogenesis as evidenced by the higher amount of liver glycogen present after MO administration." | Link |
3. | Associated topics: scrapes-/-scratches-/-abrasions,cut-/-laceration-/-incision — "[A] literature review of evidence on the influence of essential oils on wound healing and their potential application in clinical practice... focus[ing] mainly on tea tree, lavender, chamomile, thyme, and ocimum [basil] oils." | Link |
4. | Associated topics: fever-/-febrile -/-temperature-/-(Pyrexia) — "Burn Healing Potential of Nigella sativa seed oil in rats.... Nigella sativa L. (Black cumin) has shown a broad spectrum of pharmacological effects like antipyretic [fever reducing], analgesic [pain reducing], anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial.... The present study suggests the burn wound healing action of seeds may be due to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of major compounds in the oil." | Link |
5. | Associated topics: scrapes-/-scratches-/-abrasions,cut-/-laceration-/-incision — "[One] method employed for wound healing is the application of lavender oil. Due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, it is thought to prevent wound infections and to play a role in reducing pain by lowering inflammation.... Lavender oil is known to have antibacterial, antifungal, sedative, and/or antidepressant effects.... In addition to its antimicrobial effects, the anti-inflammatory analgesic properties of lavender oil have also been emphasized... The use of L. Angustifolia [lavender] is particularly recommended in chronically infected wounds due to its immune-stimulating and antimicrobial effects. There are also reports that lavender oil reduces scar tissue." | Link |
6. | Associated topics: cut-/-laceration-/-incision — "Topical 5% tea tree oil is an effective treatment for mild to moderate acne vulgaris.... Tea tree oil has broad-spectrum antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity in vitro. These properties have formed the basis of its use in the treatment of a range of superficial dermatoses such as cuts, insect bites, boils, and dermatophytosis [ringworm]." | Link |
7. | Associated topics: cut-/-laceration-/-incision — "Herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections (like candidiasis), wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavender oil. It is also used in a healing bath for joint and muscle pain. One study evaluating treatments for children with eczema found [that] it was therapeutic touch from the mother that improved symptoms; in other words, massage with and without essential oils (including lavender) both reduced the dry, scaly skin lesions. Another study found that lavender oil may improve pain control after surgery." | Link |
8. | Associated topics: cut-/-laceration-/-incision — "[A] pulverized mixture of four herbs including Agrimonia Eupatoria (A), Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn (N), Boswellia Carteri (B) [Frankincense], and Pollen Typhae Angustifoliae (P)... was first described in Chinese canonical medicine about 2000 years ago for treatment of various trauma disorders, such as hemostasis [bleeding], anti-inflammatory, analgesia [pain], and wound healing, etc.... [W]e showed that local ANBP treatment not only significantly enhanced wound healing by relieving inflammation, increasing formation of granulation tissue, and accelerating re-epithelialization, but [it] also reduced scar formation by decreasing collagen production [and] protuberant height and volume of scars and [by] increasing collagen maturity.... [Results show that ANBP] promot[es] wound healing and alleviat[es] scar formation, which may be an effective therapy for human wounds at the earliest stage." | Link |
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