lavender fields for essential oils

Longtime Ranch Hand Never Protected Her Skin

Author: Rebecca R.
Skill: Raindrop Technique
Date: 05-26-2015
Views: 7,869
Word Count: 582
Questions Received: Not available for contact
Testimonial ID: 10643-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 8

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

I am excited to share the significant improvement in my skin using therapeutic-grade essential oil products.

I grew up on a ranch, always outside in the weather, without protecting my skin. I also worked on a ranch as a hired hand for 10 years as a young adult, without protecting my skin from the sun, wind, and cold.

I am now in my early 60s. I do not appreciate the age spots, the roughness, and the uneven skin tone of my face that have developed as I have matured. The damage is especially visible along the jawline, both temples, and the upper lip area.

I even developed a dime-size spot on my left jawline that was rough and scaly. It would peel and weep, scab over, and then start all over again. This spot has done that for over 12 years. Whenever I would visit family members, they would encourage me to have it checked by a doctor, but I never did.

In 2005 I began using the ART Skin Care System. There was quick and visible improvement in my skin tone, and the age spots seemed to be fading. Was that just wishful thinking?

About two years ago I attended the company's beauty school and learned much more about taking care of my skin and how the essential oils are so beneficial for the skin.

I began using the ART Beauty Masque, ART Creme Masque, and ART Renewal Serum... not daily but periodically. I noticed more improvement! So now I am on a mission to have youthful skin.

About a year ago I began applying individual essential oils neat (undiluted) to my three biggest problem areas every morning and even sometimes at night after washing my face. I chose to apply individual oils that the essential oils reference book said were beneficial for skin, including:

* Sandalwood
* Frankincense
* Lavender
* Myrrh
* Geranium
* Roman Chamomile

I have a large stash of essential oils, so as I ran out of the oils specific for skin, I just chose oils that I had plenty of, such as:

* Joy
* Cedarwood
* Tea Tree
* Hinoki
* Idaho Balsam Fir

I stuck with this regimen of applying my choice of essential oil every morning (and sometimes before bed as well) before applying my moisturizer to those three problem areas. I was seeing a big difference and wanted to continue to improve. However, the spot on my left jaw was still going through the stages of rough, scaly, peel, weep, scab over, repeat.

In mid May 2015, the spot on my left jaw started changing. It got bigger (like protruding from my jaw, not spreading out over my face). It became itchy and red. When I scratched it because of the itch, it started to bleed. So then I had an ugly spot on my face that was a protruding red scab that even my spouse suggested that I should have checked by a doctor.

I chose Frankincense (boswellia carterii) instead, applying it on that spot, undiluted, twice a day. On the third day of applying Frankincense, the spot just peeled off!

For the first time in over 12 years my left jaw is perfectly smooth and soft with no protruding, scaly sun spot! It just looks like a light scar now.

My skin looks so much younger than my 61 years and feels soft and smooth. People are noticing and commenting on my youthful skin!

The age spots still have some fading away to do, but I am so pleased with the results thus far and so grateful for these products!

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: aging, dermatology, dry skin, epidermis, facial, glow, glows, lentigine, lentigines, lentigo, melanoma, precancerous, premalignant, skincare, squamous.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: skin-cancer — Frankincense and myrrh showed anticancer effects.Link
2.Associated topics: skin,skin-cancer — "Local application of frankincense essential oil may provide a non-surgical treatment alternative, with no or minimal side effect for carcinoma in situ, minimally invasive carcinoma and pre-cancerous conditions such as actinic keratosis."Link
3.Associated topics: skin — "[M]any curative properties attributed to various plants in indigenous medicine are also present in their essential oils.... These oils exert a number of general effects from the pharmacological viewpoint. When applied locally, the essential oils mix readily with skin oils, allowing these to attack the infective agents quickly and actively.... In vitro studies [were] conducted by the author on antimicrobial and anthelmintic [destructive to parasitic worms] properties of some essential oils...."Link
4.Associated topics: skin — "[One] method employed for wound healing is the application of lavender oil. Due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, it is thought to prevent wound infections and to play a role in reducing pain by lowering inflammation.... Lavender oil is known to have antibacterial, antifungal, sedative, and/or antidepressant effects.... In addition to its antimicrobial effects, the anti-inflammatory analgesic properties of lavender oil have also been emphasized... The use of L. Angustifolia [lavender] is particularly recommended in chronically infected wounds due to its immune-stimulating and antimicrobial effects. There are also reports that lavender oil reduces scar tissue."Link
5.Associated topics: skin — "Tea tree oil (TTO) (Melaleuca alternifolia) has been used recently as an effective topical application for the treatment of skin infections due to a variety of aetiological microbial agents, including mainly bacterial infections. We detail... the successful treatment with TTO of a paediatric patient with warts on her right middle finger. TTO was applied topically once daily to the lesions for 12 days, with a successful outcome, including complete re-epithelization of the infected areas. The case highlights the potential use of TTO in the treatment of common warts due to human papilloma virus."Link
6.Associated topics: skin — "Tea tree oil... has become increasingly popular as an antimicrobial for the treatment of conditions such as tinea pedis [athlete’s foot] and acne....[T]ea tree oil can reduce histamine-induced skin inflammation."Link
7.Associated topics: skin — "Herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections (like candidiasis), wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavender oil. It is also used in a healing bath for joint and muscle pain. One study evaluating treatments for children with eczema found [that] it was therapeutic touch from the mother that improved symptoms; in other words, massage with and without essential oils (including lavender) both reduced the dry, scaly skin lesions. Another study found that lavender oil may improve pain control after surgery."Link
8.Associated topics: skin — "[A] pulverized mixture of four herbs including Agrimonia Eupatoria (A), Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn (N), Boswellia Carteri (B) [Frankincense], and Pollen Typhae Angustifoliae (P)... was first described in Chinese canonical medicine about 2000 years ago for treatment of various trauma disorders, such as hemostasis [bleeding], anti-inflammatory, analgesia [pain], and wound healing, etc.... [W]e showed that local ANBP treatment not only significantly enhanced wound healing by relieving inflammation, increasing formation of granulation tissue, and accelerating re-epithelialization, but [it] also reduced scar formation by decreasing collagen production [and] protuberant height and volume of scars and [by] increasing collagen maturity.... [Results show that ANBP] promot[es] wound healing and alleviat[es] scar formation, which may be an effective therapy for human wounds at the earliest stage."Link

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